Top 20 NuGet Windows Presentation Foundation Packages

WPF Circular Gauge based on the EvelynT code found at
Converters for WPF
ensamblado con funcionalidades para WPF y MVVM
For detailed use and instructions, visit
Library that helps to create single instance WPF application for .NET 4.5.
Dockable desktop window and other classes supporting WPF applications. Sample WPF projects available at BitBucket, see project link.
Simple UI control for a touchscreen grid-selectors in WPF.
A lightweight framework for resolving and placing views in the application by URI.
Set of classes for easy and powerful implementation / use of INotifyPropertyChanged and INotifyCollectionChanged based objects.
This is a modified version of MahApps.Metro specifically for Explore10
The binding Engine that support Binding for all .net environment : WinForm, WPF, Web, Mono, Xamarin, etc.
WPF User Interface Controls and Helpers
Wpf app-like side menu
Stock controls, like candle sticks control and time line control, for windows desktop app, windows store app and windows phone store app.
A nuget package of deepdotnet's WPF Autocomplete TextBox control from CodePlex
MVPVM Framework Controls Library
HeaderPersister is a small utility class that persist the header of individual GroupItems while scrolling.
Helpers for MVVM implementation