Top 20 NuGet Windows Presentation Foundation Packages

Utility library for .NET WPF
AsyncObservableCollection for MVVM
GitHub上的开源项目MetroChart, 只取WPF部分。
A WPF Popup Control for a TextBox than can used for Instellisense, Autocorrection Popup, Combobox replacement and many more.
Allows the user to select an icon from an .ico, a .exe, or a .dll
Spell Well. Word of the Week from Grade 2
If your application is needing a little sparkle, this is the project for you! This typing label control emulates a person typing the letters or words supplied. It works really well to catch the eye of the user when entering a new screen. Built using .NET framework v3.5.
WPF DMSKin Styling. This is only for my own use
WPF AntDesign Styling. This is only for my own use
.Net HotReloading
The Mvvm Extensions package provides basic implementation of ICommand interface, base class implementation for ViewModels and a range of other classes that may be useful for desktop WPF application.
A WPF UI Library
WH库 - WPF工具集
Vikings Wpf
Framework for common functionality using C# and WPF/MVVM
A WPF User control that can be used to create CRON expressions
ShiNe-WPF UI components and buttons
Behaviors to link events to commands in WPF
dotnet new template for attached viewmodel behavior.