Top 20 NuGet Windows Presentation Foundation Packages

WPF library containging converters needed for XAML
Universal WPF - A set of WPF controls and APIs built to match UWP counterparts.
Validation easy and simple to use, with single classes you define what you need in a string.
A set of common wpf value converters.
WPF controls by CodingConnected e.U.
GIF Support for WPF Image Control
A basic reusable WPF Control to generate a Crontab string
A circle shape, with 5 buttons in it.
Fork of Notifications.Wpf with a fix for crash on notification Close()
A Designer Framework for WPF UIs - Addon for Expression Interaction
State management for .Net projects, inspired by @ngrx/store
WPF MVVM Binding Package. Features: AutoWireVmDataContext, AutoWireViewConrols. How to use:
WPF MVVM Binding Package. Features: AutoWireVmDataContext, AutoWireViewConrols. How to use:
Set of features and proxies to simplify C# development
WPF Custom Text Boxes like number box that only accepts digit and returns a string value, useful for zip code, mobile number etc, currency boxes that only supports decimal number.
Elimates the annoying PropertyChanged stuff from your ViewModel code.
Sorschia Library for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). This replaces Sorschia.Wpf.
UI for components for ThinkSharp.CommonQL
A collection of common WPF controls and utilities