Top 20 NuGet WebAPI Packages


Package Description
This package will reduce the server information that is disclosed to your visitors. It removes the following http headers: "Server" "X-AspNet-Version" "X-AspNetMvc-Version" "X-Powered-By" It is compatible with async operations in MVC and WebAPI as it does not rely on t...
REST Toolbox including a REST client and helpers for creating consistent REST API service calls
Provides a Json mask MediaTypeFormatter implementation for ASP.NET Web API
MvcRouteTester is a .Net library to help unit testing ASP MVC route tables. It contains asserts for for both regular controllers and the Api controllers that are new in MVC 4.0. It is built in .Net 4.5 and ASP MVC 5.0.
HaveBox Web Extensions Supports easy HaveBox integration with: ASP.NET MVC4 ASP:NET Web API Supported Frameworks: .Net 4.0, 4.5 and 4.5.1
Shared functionality for the .net web stack (Mvc, WebApi, SignalR, Etc) for FlitBit.IoC framework.
Library for connecting your application to UserApp.
Client library of Thinktecture.IdentityModel. Includes OAuth2 and OpenID Connect client and helpers for parsing token and authorize responses, Epoch Time helpers, extensions methods for HttpClient.
A C#/.net wrapper for the API
WebApi.RequestLogging allows you to easily add NLog-based request logging to Web API projects.
Library of common attributes for use in ASP.NET WebApi 2.0
This library helps with adding client side certificate mappings to a Web API. It is most useful for developers using Azure Management API. In you WebApiConfig.cs add the following line: config.Filters.Add(new ClientCertificateAuthenticateFilter());
Simple CLI utility to assist in acquiring and managing Eve Online SSO tokens.
.NET client library for Google Maps API Web Services
Custom metric monitoring for .NET applications via Instrumental
Setup http client resources
A C# library to consume a Restful API from .NET
Aylien News API library for .NET