Top 20 NuGet WebAPI Packages


An async pattern for reading and setting ETag headers in ASP.NET Web API.
An Web API package that simplifies route localization of attribute routes.
A library of core helpers, extensions, constants, enums and other useful things for Sitecore CMS projects.
Hacker News has partnered with Firebase to create a real API. This is a .NET client to that API. With this API, you can get top stories, lookup items, and lookup profiles.
FileUploader extensions for the WebApi framework
Provides a collection+json media type formatter for ASP.Net Web API.
WebApiDoodle.Web is an ASP.NET Web API library which contains several useful Extensions, Filters, Message Handlers and so on and so forth.
ScApi is a .NET wrapper around the Socialcast developer API.
ASP.NET WebApi Integration for DContainer
WebAPIDoodle.SignalR is an ASP.NET Web API library which contains some SignalR integrated ASP.NET Web API stuff.
WebApiDoodle.Net.Http is a library which provides more features over System.Net.Http
WebApiDoodle.Net.Http.Client is an ASP.NET Web API library which contains several useful Extensions, Filters, Message Handlers and so on and so forth.
MVC API is a Web Api framework built on top ASP.NET MVC.
MongoDB persistence for server-side CacheCow
Freedom in the key of C#, or a simple API library.
WebAPIDoodle.Formatting is a library which contains several formatters for System.Net.Http.Formatting.
WebAPIDoodle.SignalR is an ASP.NET Web API library which contains some SignalR integrated ASP.NET Web API stuff.