Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

MSTest Adapter for Console and Visual Studio. Supported Platforms: - .Net Core 1.0 - .Net451
Provides a system creates and manages states of Umbraco data for unit testing purposes
Console tool for creating NUnit3 HTML reports
Generate test data for your classes
Please use Persimmon.MuscleAssert.
Custom constraints for NUnit.
MongoDB integration testing helper from .NET projects
Easy library to substitute (subrogate) and restore objects in an object graph
Test helpers for Mendham.Events
Test helpers for Mendham.Domain using Moq
Test helpers for Mendham.Domain
Testing helpers with builder and ability to populate values directly in xUnit tests
Components to write tests against AspNetCore using Moq
Fixtures for writing tests using AspNetCore TestHost
Fluent REST API testing.
Just for testing
Library with random values in different types
BDD Testing framework that hosts your Web Service during test execution
Add Xamarin.Form Debug for using in test project