Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages
Defines functionality to help with automated testing, including extensions methods for AutoFixture.
Classes to generate Mock objects
Port of RabbitMQ.Fakes, with some added exchange types
Library for wrap all FluentAssertions checks into AllureStep
Microsoft Extensions for FluentMediator.
FluentMediator is an unobtrusive library that allows developers to build custom pipelines for Commands, Queries and Events.
Various collections of utilities that have been found to be useful ('common') during unit and integration testing across various projects.
bdd style test fixtures for EventFly
Chassis for WebAPI development
Fixtures for testing CPQ Configurator
Extends AutoFixture with the ability to register mocked ASP.NET Core Options.
Provides functionality for registering Moq mocks with AutoFixture fixtures.
Extends Autofac with the ability to register mocked or null-patterned ASP.NET Core Options.
This package is for Autofac version 5. For an identical API on Autofac version 4, see `FGS.Tests.Support.Autofac4.Mocking.Options`.
Extends Autofac with the ability to register null-patterned ASP.NET Core loggers.
This package is for Autofac version 5. For an identical API on Autofac version 4, see `FGS.Tests.Support.Autofac4.Mocking.Logging`.
Extends Autofac with the ability to register empty ASP.NET Core configuration.
This package is for Autofac version 5. For an identical API on Autofac version 4, see `FGS.Tests.Support.Autofac4.Mocking.Configuration`.
Provides functionality for registering Moq mocks with an Autofac container.
This package is for Autofac version 5. For an identical API on Autofac version 4, see `FGS.Tests.Support.Autofac4.Mocking`.
The Coyote .NET command-line tool.
$ dotnet new -i Genocs.MicroserviceTemplate::0.1.0
$ dotnet new microservice
It generates a .NET Solution with full fledged microservice components.