Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

Purpose Built Selenium Test Framework for C#
AFL-based fuzz testing for .NET
Command line tool for SharpFuzz instrumentation
A super simple BDD library that doesn't mangle your code, just add Given("..."); When("..."); Then("..."); to your tests. Generate Gherkin .feature files from your unit tests
A flexible and testable validator library for C#.
Testing first nuget
Framework for UI Automation Testing
This is test
Unit Testing with Local Functions 🐯 Use the traditional Unit Testing Frameworks to write TDD or BDD tests: ✔️ Arrange / Act / Assert ✔️ Given / When / Then ✔️ Context / Specification
Xunit helper and infrastructure
The Assumptions library provides a clean method to make implicit assumptions explicit in C#.
A fluent BDD influenced library for testing API endpoints, influenced by the java project RestAssured.
An xUnit TestFramework that uses Autofac to resolve tests and their dependencies
Testing lib for general formatting purposes
Wiz DotNet Core API Template
Simple library for NUnit test generation
A library to aid in structuring unit tests to help enforce design and behaviours during development.
A lightweight abstraction layer for making Data Pipeline connections easier.
A lightweight abstraction layer for making ECS connections easier.