Top 20 NuGet Silverlight Packages

A micro-library to provide support for easy view model creation and view/view model composition.
A simple proxy library, which converts an object into a list of key-values
MVVM, bare knuckle style! Blue.MVVM is, and will remain, an ultra lightweight suite supporting your Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) based applications. _about this package_ This package includes highly configurable converters. Included converters in this package so far: ...
Lightweight WPF MVVM Framework
Bindable base, commands and good to have MVVM classes
Library helper (mvvm navigation, lifecycle, converters, extensions) for Windows Universal Apps (Win8.1 + WP8.1).
This package contains an asynchronous Json serialization plugin. Also serves as an implementation for IMvxJsonConverter and IMvxTextSerializer
The magic-free Caliburn.Light, a powerful framework designed for building applications across current XAML platforms.
Allows binding events directly to commands in XAML code. Works for both WPF and Silverlight applications.
Deprecated, use MvvmCube.
Mef adaptation of the Cannoli framework that has its own Prism bootstrapper.
Unity adaptation of the Cannoli framework (no dependency on Prism).
Core of the Cannoli framework
Dispatcher, Mediator, and EventAggregator support for the Cannoli Framework (or use on its own)
NLogger support for the Cannoli framework