Top 20 NuGet Silverlight Packages

A DuoCode Binding for the Knockout.BindingConventions library
A DuoCode Binding for KnockoutJS
MVVMHandler is a library that contains simple helper class like MVVMCollection whick is a collection that implements the complete MVVM pattern with a DB Model.
Simple InversionOfControl implementation for multiple .NET platforms added as source-code.
Easy of use JSON library for .NET platforms. Provides reader, writer and ability to build mutable JSON data at runtime added as source-code.
Bifrost is a platform designed to build Line of Business applications without sacrificing architectural quality, code quality or scalability.
The most basic classes for implementing the MVVM pattern in WPF. Contains an implementation for a base view model and support for async / parameterized commands.
Lightweight MVVM framework
Observable Vector makes it easy to use the IObservableVector<T> interface in your Windows app. Find us on GitHub at
Observable Vector makes it easy to use the IObservableVector<T> interface in your Windows app. This is the non-generic version which can be used in non-.NET projects targeting the Windows Store, such as C++/CX or JavaScript. Find us on GitHub at
ensamblado con funcionalidades para WPF y MVVM
DataAnnotation and Validation Framework for Winforms
The mvvm pattern for wpf application.
A MVVM - ViewModel first Bootstrapper (Navigation + Dependency Injection + Properties Injection)
Allows wider MVVM pattern reuse across WarHub package libraries.
Small toolkit for WPF applications using MVVM pattern.
Extension of SwollenMvvmToolking.Core to integrate with Calibur.Micro framework.
Bare minimum MVVM implementation. Portable.