Top 20 NuGet Security Packages

This package enables ASP.NET Core web apps and web APIs to use the Microsoft identity platform (formerly Azure AD v2.0). This package is specifically used for web applications, which sign-in users and call Microsoft Graph, and for protected web APIs that call Microsoft Graph.
Library of core security framework for implementing role-based security with integrated Active Directory, local account and database style authentication across various .NET application types.
The package is a part of the Saritasa Tools project. Saritasa.Tools.Common contains various utilities and extensions for DateTime conversion, strings manipulation, validation utils (Guard), parse with default, flow (memoize, retry), collection processing (chunk select), atomic (CAS, swap), strings h...
The simple and easy RavenDB Identity provider for ASP.NET Core. Use Raven to store your users and logins with just a few lines of code.
Rebex.Ews is part of Rebex Mail Pack - a set of mail libraries that provide all you need for sending, receiving, encrypting, decrypting, signing, verifying, loading, saving and processing e-mail messages. Includes IMAP, EWS (Exchange Web Services), POP3 and SMTP clients; a high-level MailMessage API...
OAuth2 validation middleware for OWIN/Katana.
The server and client modules for a simple SSL or non-SSL Tcp Server with authentication.
The core module for a simple websocket server and client implementation with authentication.
The client module for a simple websocket server and client implementation with authentication.
The client and server modules combined for a simple websocket server and client implementation with authentication.
The core module for a simple SSL or non-SSL async await Tcp Server and Client with authentication. This package is used by both Tcp.NET.Client and Tcp.NET.Server.
HTTP server with minimal dependencies
ASP.NET 4.x External Security Provider for CloudFoundry - Owin
.NET Client for CredHub - Base Package
ASP.NET Core Identity Integration for Duende IdentityServer
EntityFramework persistence layer for Duende IdentityServer
Utilize state of the art cloud authentication today to mitigate cyber attacks and provide your users a better experience with FusionAPI.
ASP.NET Core security middleware enabling Salesforce authentication.
High-performance JWT library. Provides Json Web Token primitives.