Top 20 NuGet Patterns Packages

Skahal.Infrastructure.Framework.Repositories.IRepository's DropBox implementation.
Simple Implementation of Repository and Unit of Work patterns in Entity Framework.
AutoClutch.AutoRepo is a simple generic repository for Entity Framework 6 that can be used to save you coding time when creating a data layer.
Retrieve and save any object from your domain model without writing any code, it stores and retrieves objects using the memory. it enables you to generate objects with data, so no need to create any faked or mock object to simulate repository anymore, it implements the concept of PI (Persistence Ign...
This contains an implementation of the Repository interface found in Petite.Repository.Domain. Use this in your data access project (wherever the Entity Framework model is located). Also provided is a Context provider that stores your DataContext in the current WCF operation context.
This is a Repository interface to use with Petite.Repository.Data. Use this in your Domain project.
Mongol is a wrapper for the MongoDB Official C# Driver which makes it very easy to create repository pattern classes around strongly typed collections for POCO objects. Mongol also includes lambda-based property name resolution for building MongoDB Query/Update operations without magic strings...
An entity framework implementation of the generic repository pattern.
A RavenDB implementation of the generic repository pattern.
An ASP.NET Web API controller that provides automatic CRUD functionality to a generic Repository data store.
The fastest and smoothest way to great architecture
The fastest and smoothest way to great architecture
dI.Hook is a Hook Repository and Container using AOP
The fastest and smoothest way to great architecture
NRepository.Core is a generic repository library with a strong focus on CQRS.
Catharsis.Repository .NET library provides abstraction over persistent data storages by introducing common repository pattern interfaces over popular ORM frameworks (NHibernate, Entity Framework, LINQ2SQL), as well as their implementations : - NHibernate -> NHibernateRepository - LINQ2SQL -> LinqT...
This library contains UnitOfWorks, Repository, Command, Command Manifest, Task command and EventAggregator pattern interfaces.
Domain Driven Design Repositories
The woozle entity framework repository and unit of work generator creates repository and unit of work classes of your edmx model which can be used to perform database operations. The generator includes additional features such as including additional features such as synchronizing an object to the e...
Easy integration between NHibernate and WCF, ASP.NET MVC, Web services