Top 20 NuGet ORM Packages

Utility class used for adjusting NHibernate mappings for options not supported by Sqlite. See
An NHibernate IInterceptor which adds an SQL comment containing a method name to all generated SQL. Finds the method name by walking the stack trace selecting the first method matching the supplied predicate.
A user type convention which sets custom type for enums
A reference convention which sets not lazy load
A user type convention which sets sql type for enums
Parses SQL files to create a meta-object hierarchy with which you can generate C# code such as stored procedure wrappers or Entity Framework entities. Includes templates. Go to for more info! is a lightweight ORM, open source framework. With the objectization of the database, SQL expression, database access layout, business logic process and data entity. Source code : Documents :
Assign NHibernate repositories to the BoC's persistence abstraction layer
Easy way to interact with AWS SimpleDB from you apps
Testing helpers for using Ninject.MockingKernel.FakeItEasy with EntityFramework.
Add LocalDbContextFeature to your TestFixture (F2F.Testing.Xunit2)
Slazure is a dynamic and automatic Data Mapper that, unlike legacy ORMs and ODMs, eliminates the need for Data Access Classes, Domain Classes, and model templates.
The CastleWindsor Container for the Dapper.Extensions.Linq.
Create your data access layer the way you want to.
This package provides implementations for Dehydrator's repository interfaces using Entity Framework. Install this package in your controller if you use Entity Framework.
This package provides extension methods for registering Dehydrator.EntityFramework repositories and factories in the Unity Application Block.
This package provides base classes and sample configuration for building WebAPI controllers that use a dehydrated data model. Install this package in your controller if you use WebAPI.
Fast and robust layer for accessing databases. SQL Server, MySQL, Aurora, MariaDB, Sqlite and PostgrSQL. Designed for people that prefer to use stored procedures but works equally well for ad-hoc queries. Does not generate SQL statements from LINQ expressions.
Integration of Kerosene ORM 7.4.1 with Asp.Net Identity 2.2.1.
An attribute used to define an abbreviation for a table name, to be used when deriving column names