Top 20 NuGet ORM Packages

Package Description
Remote linq extensions for entity framework core. Use this package to execute remote queries using EF Core.
LINQ to DB2 is a data access technology that provides a run-time infrastructure for managing relational data as objects. Install this package only if you want to use database model scaffolding using T4 templates (requires Visual Studio or Rider), otherwise you should use linq2db package.
Yarn Entity Framework Provider
Create lazy-loaded object graphs
Configure LazyEntityGraph with Entity Framework metadata (Code First or EDMX)
A fluent ORM and Database Reflection Library for SQL Server. This uses System.Data.SqlClient. For Microsoft.Data.SqlClient use the Tortuga.Chain.SqlServer.MDS package.
An AutoFixture customization for lazy-loading entities using LazyEntityGraph.
Shared design-time Entity Framework Core components for relational database providers.
Design-time Entity Framework Core functionality for SQLite
Design-time Entity Framework Core Functionality for Microsoft SQL Server.
LINQ to SAP HANA is a data access technology that provides a run-time infrastructure for managing relational data as objects. Install this package only if you want to use database model scaffolding using T4 templates (requires Visual Studio or Rider), otherwise you should use linq2db package.
Remote linq extensions for entity framework. Use this package to execute remote queries using EF6.
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
A lightweight, database first, micro ORM
Adds support for logging via log4net for DataObjects.Net
LINQ to Informix is a data access technology that provides a run-time infrastructure for managing relational data as objects. Install this package only if you want to use database model scaffolding using T4 templates (requires Visual Studio or Rider), otherwise you should use linq2db package.