Top 20 NuGet ORM Packages

Trivial micro-orm implemented on Dapper, provides with CRUD helpers.
Adds support for PostgreSQL to DataObjects.Net
Adds support for MySQL to DataObjects.Net
Adds support for Firebird to DataObjects.Net
Provides an implementation to use Json.NET as the serializer for serialized columns
A fluent ORM and Database Reflection Library for PostgreSQL.
This library adds compiled materializers to Tortuga Chain.
LINQ to SQLite is a data access technology that provides a run-time infrastructure for managing relational data as objects. Install this package only if you want to use database model scaffolding using T4 templates (requires Visual Studio or Rider), otherwise you should use linq2db package.
Package Description
LINQ to Sybase ASE is a data access technology that provides a run-time infrastructure for managing relational data as objects. Install this package only if you want to use database model scaffolding using T4 templates (requires Visual Studio or Rider), otherwise you should use linq2db package.
LINQ to DB is a data access technology that provides a run-time infrastructure for managing relational data as objects. This package is a provider for DB2 on the IBM iSeries.
Extensions for EntityFramework Core to use SqlServers SqlBulkCopy in order to provide high performance Insert and Delete mass operations.
LINQ to Oracle is a data access technology that provides a run-time infrastructure for managing relational data as objects. Install this package only if you want to use database model scaffolding using T4 templates (requires Visual Studio or Rider), otherwise you should use linq2db package.
Classes bridge from OdataToEntity to Entity Framework 6.3.0. Abstraction layer access to DataContext Entity Framework 6.3.0.
MySQL Provider for SimpleStack.Orm
A hybrid .NET ORM library for MySQL (using MySqlConnector).
pg_trgm module support plugin for PostgreSQL/Npgsql Entity Framework Core provider.
A hybrid .NET ORM library for MySQL (using MySql.Data).