Top 20 NuGet ORM Packages

A dll for quickly setting up a NHibernate Repository
Allows you to use SQL Server spatial types on a machine without SQL Server installed. Useful when deploying to Windows Azure. Also enables Entity Framework spatial types to be used (DbGeography and DbGeometry).
db providers wrapper
Framework para camada de repository utilizando NHibernate
Data Access Layer implementaiton using nHibernate
Abstract Data Access Layer using Unit of Work and Repository patterns
Data Access implementation for Entity Framework > 6 using Unit of Work and Repository pattern
Data access layer to attachments
Interfaces for data access layer to the attachment.
Auctions data access layer
Interfaces for auctions data access layer
Category data access layer
Interfaces for categories data access layer
Interfaces for contact data access layer
Used for unit testing EF queries based on
Interfaces for conversation data access layer
Utility library to work with db contexts. Provides common operations realisation for Db. Save,Update, Delete.
Interfaces for generic operations that could be done on entities.
Data access layer to the menu based on Roles or Users.
Data access layer to menu