Top 20 NuGet ORM Packages

An ORM framework with CRUD functionality and CSV exportation support.
Easy and simple Oracle db mapper
Cronos Object Relational Mapper
Fork from fluentdata which a power simple ORM library of dot net
A dll for quickly setting up a NHibernate Repository
Basic Entities and an Auditing DBContext which provides automatic creation and update of history tables
Data Access Layer provides concreate entity framework implemenataion of Generic Repository and Unit of Work for your .NET application.
Data Access Layer provides concreate entity framework implemenataion of Generic Repository and Unit of Work for your .NET CORE application.
LocalDB Mock for EF
EF implementation for the Axis.Jupiter api.
Larsu.Hibernate provides a small framework which aims to ease the integration of NHibernate
linq Orm 框架
Provides CRUD wrappers around the Dapper Micro-ORM, and SQL generation for Selects built from C# expression trees. Built from a fork of Dapper.Contrib
Kinglot.Data is the ORM suport: SqlClient,OracleClient,Odbc.