Top 20 NuGet ORM Packages

DapperContext is a DbContext-like implementation for Dapper, supporting the Unit Of Work pattern and simplifying usage with repository classes and IOC containers.
NHibernate and dynamic linq customizations for using NodaTime
NHibernate customizations for using NodaTime
This is a repository pattern abstractions.
SQLite database provider for Entity Framework Core.
An ORM framework.
Package Description
Simple library with EF helpers.
A simple, lightweight data access library for ADO.Net providers like Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
A high performance Micro-ORM supporting SQL Server, MySQL, Sqlite, SqlCE, Firebird etc..
Bulk insert for a single class and TPT type inheritance using entity framework. No limitation on the number of records that can be passed. Now supporting string, number, guids, date, datetime, datetimeoffset and boolean types. Instead of passing the dbcontext everytime, just set it once while dec...
Extends NHibernate.
Custom ORM Library,auto property update
ORM for distillery application
Basic operation for .Net