Top 20 NuGet MVC Packages

Asp.Net MVC4 Grid
Make databind between your .NET classes properties and your own template (Xml, Yml, ...) See documentation on
A load generator command-line tool for testing websites and HTTP APIs
A library that I use to provide dependency resolution for MVC4 sites. Uses StructureMap.
This sets WebGrease as the CSS minifier for Batman.
This adds the ability to bundle less files within Batman.
Include base constructions of zapos, like abstract document styles or description of the document model.
Constructors.Razor parse markup from razor .cshtml to abstract document model. Abstract model used on Printer.Gembox part of Zapos.
Printer.Gembox - small part of Zapos, responsible for converting report from abstract document model. Supports file formats: XLSX (XlsxPrinter) and PDF (PdfPrinter).
HTML5 Audio & Video The HTML5 draft specification introduced the video element for the purpose of playing videos or movies, audio element which specifies a standard way to embed an audio file on a web page, many modern websites show videos. HTML5 provides a standard for showing them. Demo http://...
Web.Maps.VE is the first ASP.NET Ajax Bing Maps Server Control. Allowing you to integrate Bing Maps mapping functionality into your ASP.NET Web Forms applications.
ContentEditableMvc lets you use the power of the HTML5 contenteditable attribute and Ajax to make content changes client side.
Routing extension for ScaleJS base on history.js v1.8b2
Add JuraScript object to your project to use JavaScript and COM pure .NET.
Avoid runtime error "The model item passed into the dictionary is of type ‘X’ but this dictionary requires a model item of type ‘Y‘". The template generates truly strongly typed views to use in your controllers with zero configuration.
Animated transitions for scalable JavaScript application.
These are 2 free controls for ASP.NET MVC, ScheduleCalendar and ScheduleGeneral, designed to show scheduled events in the form of a table
Includes scripts and stylesheets for using Wijmo widgets in Visual Studio LightSwitch HTML applications.
JavaScript library provides a simple and easy to use template to build tile base windows 8 look and feel web pages. Build your own template and pass it to this library in order to convert your website to a tile based website (tiles, groups, live tiles, animation, ...).
An uploader binding extension for scalable JavaScript application