Top 20 NuGet MVC Packages

Provides a configurable and extendable localization service that can wrap around virtually any localization strategy. Package comes wired up for resx-based localization along with a set of HtmlHelper extensions providing contextual localization for string and even inline content markup.
A few light weight classes for ASP.Net MVC web applications
SimpleMembership providers (Membership & Role) using MongoDB as the backing store. More information can be found at the project page (
Includes the runtime environment and themes for Visual Studio LightSwitch HTML applications
Weld is a open-source framework for creating TypeScript classes based on your MVC controller. Weld makes it easier to use ajax calls in your TypeScipt.
This package install framework javascript into your script folder and adds reference to Mitchell.Mvc.Framework.dll
Validators: RemoteWithServerSideValidationAttribute - can be used like standard mvc RemoteAttribute. The only difference is, that new validator works both server and client side.
Brightline.js is a JavaScript template engine for people who demand a clean separation (a bright line) between presentation and logic
Provides the initial skeleton to write specs/tests for client side scripts in ASP.NET MVC Application.
Installs Umbraco CMS with the MVC template flag enabled. As the amount of times I have installed Umbraco from Nuget and forgotten to set the MVC flag. So this will help combat that!
Create modules for using a base class that helps you subscribe to application events easier than before and in a unit testable manner.
Cookie is a JavaScript library that proposes an abstraction the document.cookie API, designed to make cookies management simple and easy.
Starter kit for building a SPA with ASP.NET MVC, TypeScript, Knockout, Durandal, and Breeze. To use start by creating an empty MVC4 application and then apply this nuget package using: Install-Package SPAcify
TeleportR is a high level API that facilates data exchange from JavaScript to an ASP.NET server-side application.
Way to manage parameters after hash(#) and access query string in single page web applications.
A jquery slider exentions for a Scalable Javascript Application using bxslider plugin.
An uploader binding extension for scalable JavaScript application
HTML Helper extensions for MVC3 projects using Twitter Bootstrap
Utilitario para aplicações MVC
TextExt autocomplete extension for scalable JavaScript application