Top 20 NuGet Logging Packages

Twitter module for ELFAR. Requires one of the ErrorLog Provider packages to be installed and a manual update of the App_Start\Elfar.cs file.
Provides an HTML Tracking Viewer that shows real-time tracking data for Workflow Foundation Service applications. Use the http://mymachine/myworkflowapp/trackingviewer URL in your browser to view live tracking information
WP7Contrib caching assemblies. Contains the following assemblies: WP7Contrib.Caching.dll WP7Contrib.Common.dll WP7Contrib.Collections.dll WP7Contrib.Logging.dll
WP7Contrib core assemblies. Contains the following assemblies: WP7Contrib.Common.dll WP7Contrib.Collections.dll WP7Contrib.Diagnostics.dll WP7Contrib.Logging.dll
Airbrake Notifier for .NET
NLogGrowlNotify is a custom target for NLog version 2.0 allowing you to send logging messages to Growl for Windows
ElmahR persistence module for EntityFramework 4
ElmahR persistence module for EntityFramework 5 (NET40)
ElmahR persistence module for EntityFramework 5 (NET45)
Elmah.Persistence.EntityFramework.SqlServerCompact module, to handle dependencies and configuration in order to use a local SqlServerCompact database (.sdf).
ElmahR IoC module for NInject
Mennion.Common.Fullstack provides useful code for developing asp net mvc projects
Common facades for Logging, Configuration, Caching, etc.
Simple and easy logging for .NET
Lightweight logging utility for capturing WCF Service invocations including parameters and values
This project contains the SQLIte implementation of the nohros data API.
Enterprise Library Logging Dynamics Crm 2011 Trace Listener
An NLog target for Loggly
le_log4net is a plugin library for Log4Net to enable logging to Logentries from a .NET platform. Logentries is a real-time log management service on the cloud. More info at Nuget source and instructions can be found at
This project contains the MySQl implementation of the nohros data API.