Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

This is an implementation of service locator pattern with the intent to make it easier to create singeltons and resolve different concrete implementations based on conditions. This library does not implement DI patterns and does not rely on reflection which makes it light weight.
AutoMoq built for Unity5
Aliyun MNS SDK Integrate With the DependencyInjection of the MiscroSoft
Unit test extensions for Unity and Moq
.NET specific classes for the PantherDI Dependency Injection Framework
A Dependency Injection Framework
Autofac integration for AppFunc
A super simple, easy to use, portable, decent-performing IoC container.
Enables custom di containers and step argument injection in SpecFlow
Unity integration for AppFunc
StructureMap integration for AppFunc
SimpleInjector integration for AppFunc
Smart IoC library for your WCF application
Ninject resolver for Json.Net
Infrastructure for an IoC container adapter into OWIN pipeline
Autofac integration for the Obvs.MessageDispatcher Framework.
This is a Ninject MvxIoCProvider for MvvmCross.
CIL compiled templates library (Cecil target)