Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

A simple component that can be used for MEF-based IoC functionality in MVC and WebApi projects.
At under 5K minified & gzipped HeadJS provides you with: * Asset Loader: Load scripts and stylesheets when you need them. head.load("file1.js" , "file2.js" , function() { done(); }) head.load("file1.css", "file2.css", function() { done(); }) * JavaScript Organizer: Defer execution to the bottom of...
Usage logger for ASP.NET WebAPI using Ninject.Extensions.Logging. Logs all requests to your API and records the following attributes: * Method * Request Uri * Originating IP * Content-Type * Content-Length * Encoding * Charset * L...
Stop writing monolithic applications that make you feel like you have to move mountains to make the simplest of changes. Ninject helps you use the technique of dependency injection to break your applications into loosely-coupled, highly-cohesive components, and then glue them back together in a flex...
Log4net logging extension for MugenInjection.
NLog2 logging extension for MugenInjection.
Castle extension to support interceptors for types and methods
Castle extension to support interceptors for types and methods
Castle extension to support interceptors for types and methods
Castle extension to support interceptors for types and methods
Castle extension to support interceptors for types and methods
A lightweight and very fast managed IoC (Inversion of Control) and DI (Dependency Injection) with support for constructor, property and method call injection. Supports Silverlight 4-5, WinRT, Windows Phone 7.1-8, NET 2-4.5.
This package allowed to persist the state of a proxy or pass through different domains that share the necessary interfaces and behaviors.
NHibernate is a mature, open source object-relational mapper for the .NET framework. This package enables the ability to use lazy-loading with Unity interceptors.
A library to simplify type creation and mapping whilst maintaining loose coupling.
IInject is a DI (Dependency Injection) framework that is very light weight, fast, and easy to use.
Common Instance Factory provides an abstraction over dependency injection and IoC containers using the abstract factory design pattern. Created as an alternative to the Common Service Locator that does not use the service location anti-pattern and provides support for releasing instances.
Common Instance Factory provides an abstraction over dependency injection and IoC containers using the abstract factory design pattern. Created as an alternative to the Common Service Locator that does not use the service location anti-pattern and provides support for releasing instances.