Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

Extremely fast dependency injection library.
Grace Dependency Injection (DI) support for Akka.NET
Dependency Injection package for using RavenDB with ASP.NET Core.
Shepherd is a highly extendable orchestrator pattern wrapping (SimpleInjector / Microsoft Dependency Injection) in order to help register tasks more easily. Shepherd out of the box help auto-register domain service and create modules for infrastructure registration. Shepered ...
Autofac implementation for OWIN IoC container adapter
Nether, a library to help you build gaming backends on Microsoft Azure.
Nether, a library to help you build gaming backends on Microsoft Azure.
Nether, a library to help you build gaming backends on Microsoft Azure.
Nether, a library to help you build gaming backends on Microsoft Azure.
Nether, a library to help you build gaming backends on Microsoft Azure.
Please use Autofac.Extensions.DependencyInjection. This package is obsolete.
Light weight library to enable directly injecting into requests in Asp.Net Core
Injects SharpRepository using StructureMap in your Asp.Net Mvc 5 and WebApi 2 project