Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

Extension for Ninject providing integration with ASP.NET WebAPI 2 self host
Implementación de un contenedor de inyección de dependencia con Unity y Windsor Castle. IoC, IoContainer, Unity, Windsor, IocUnityManager, IocWindsorManager, IocWindsorHelper
GNaP dependency injection adapter for StructureMap container.
Flexberry ORM UnityFactory package.
EFC Service application block. Includes compoents such as Data acccess, Exception handling, Logging, Audting etc
This package provides a starting point that automatically wires up a new dependency injection configuration for Unity using a composition root pattern and injection through either IControllerFactory or IDependencyResolver. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually an...
This package provides a starting point that automatically wires up a new dependency injection configuration for Windsor using a composition root pattern and injection through either IControllerFactory or IDependencyResolver. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually ...
This package provides a starting point that automatically wires up a new dependency injection configuration for Autofac using a composition root pattern and injection through either IControllerFactory or IDependencyResolver. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually ...
This package contains a Castle Windsor implementation of the abstract ServiceLocator.
Log4net logging extension for MugenInjection.
Implements an opinionated 'parts folder' model out of the box for ASP.NET MVC and WebAPI applications.
Provides dependency injection into ASP.NET MVC controllers and filter attributes.
.Net utils library for Unity Application Block
Castle Windsor extensions for Nimbus.
This package provides a starting point that automatically wires up a new dependency injection configuration for Windsor using a composition root pattern and injection through either IControllerFactory or IDependencyResolver. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually ...
This package provides a starting point that automatically wires up a new dependency injection configuration for Autofac using a composition root pattern and injection through either IControllerFactory or IDependencyResolver. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually ...
Configures SimpleInjector to resolve IRepository as the right configured implementation of SharpRepository
Afterthought allows developers to post-process .NET assemblies to add code that either cannot be added to the original source or is not convenient/efficient to do so. Afterthought runs as a post-build step to process one or more assemblies. It discovers and processes amendments that you crea...
This package contains implementations of abstract Services for SPG2010.