Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

Provides fluent extensions of .NET Core's hosting mechanisms so that consumers can easily wire in large sets of Autofac configuration, without crowding their `Startup` classes. An alternative to `Autofac.Extensions.Hosting`. This package is for Autofac version 5. For an identical...
A program written in C# and run in Unity to show visually what key on the keyboard is currently being pressed
ASP .NET Core package for CCP
Intermedium registration for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
Unity Spatializer Plugin with Windows Sonic Support
Mixed Reality Toolkit provider adding support for mobile (phones and tablets) AR devices. NOTE: This package requires Unity's Package Manager AR Foundation as well as AR Core and/or AR Kit packages.
A basic method for registration of classes into dependency injection system.
.Net core Dependency Injection helper
Provides the ability to configure Autofac with behavior that will dynamically intercept concrete classes marked with `FreezeTimeAttribute` such that resolved `IClock` instances will reflect a frozen instance in time time, throughout the duration of each intercepted call. This is u...
A modular way of configuring IOC dependencies that is independent of the container
Inversion of Controls Dependencies Injection
DI-related abstractions and helpers specific to D-ASYNC infrastructure.
Provides IoC containers support to UWP projects