Top 20 NuGet HTML Packages

Grab the HTML code from Amazon's goods page url.
Additions to base fubu HtmlTags project
Convention extensions to HtmlTags and other UI components
HtmlHelper for using jQuery.GoogleMaps plugin on ASP.NET MVC pages
Visual Studio LightSwitch is a RAD tool for developing LOB applications. lsWires contains the additional wiring to allow you to create professional applications with minimal effort. lsWires is also a great learning tool for working with LightSwitch.
Расширения для управляемой и быстрой выкачки контента из сети.
Allows flash access of tempdata in controllers and views
ASP.NET MVC5 template for MarkdownWeb Open MarkdownWebController in Controllers folder once installed.
Fork of
A HTML to Markdown converter in C#
Fluent Html Helper for ASP.NET MVC
Provides an interface for communicating with Thrust. Allows creation of HTML5 based UIs that can communicate fluently with C# code.
Creates email messages from localized files or text strings using a Razor templating engine.
Various Web Optimization Extensions, allowing for "asset pipeline"-type transformations.
Collection of controls for WPF
Fluent extensions to TagBuilder
Useful utilites and classes for dealing with HTML.
A simple utility to serialize and bundle angular templates into javascript
C#-javascript binding with Awesomium allowing to use HTML UI with MVVM pattern. This framework act as a glue between a C# ViewModel and a awesomium IWebView using knockout.js as an infrastructure. This allows to reuse 100% of View Model written for WPF in a HTML UI. After, nuget instalation you can...
HTML attribute affordances used to mitigate JS popup blockers. Designed especially for popups with audio/visual media. Protected $ alias works well with other JS libraries and Wordpress.