Top 20 NuGet F# Packages

Elm inspire encoder and decoder for JSON targetting .Net and NetCore runtime
Utilities for Fable Nodejs apps
This project is a proof of concept implementation of async computation workflows composition with non determenistic choice, merge and bind based on immutable state with lock detection. Uses ideas from Stm,Hopac,Joinads.
F# Core Library with common utilities functions and monadic types
Davenport is a CouchDB client for simplifying common tasks like get, list, create, update and delete. This package wraps the original C# package, making it much more friendly to the functional programming style of F#.
Lambda calculus implementation using FSharp. The library exposes the classic combinators, boolean algebra, numeral agebra using Church numerals, pairs algebra. Combinators: S, K, I, M, KI, C, B, Th, B1, V Boolean: GTrue, GFalse, GAnd, GOr, GBeq Numerals: G0, G1, G2, GSucc, GPred, GAdd, GSum, GMul, G...
Toolbox for working with Elmish applications
Fable bindings for react-native-slider
This is a .Net Core 2 console application that accepts a JSON file, calls the Microsoft Text Translator API in Azure and writes translated files to disk.
Fable bindings for react-native-segmented-control-tab
Fable bindings for react-native-color-wheel
SweetAlert2 integration with Fable, implemented as Elmish commands
Giraffe server for Elmish.Notifier
Warp10 client library for Fable/F#
SpanJson extensions for F#
Fable bindings for react-native-color-matrix-image-filters
A simple utility library for colorizing console output in F#.
Fable bindings for the NPM package "mobx-react".