Top 20 NuGet ASP.NET Packages

An out-of-the-box Web API for invoking database stored procedures, transforming the results as JSON, BSON, JSONP, XML, CSV, Excel xlsx, or any text generated by Razor dynamic template. Please visit for detail.
Exceptionless client for ASP.NET WebForms applications. Exceptionless is a cloud based error reporting service that sends your exceptions to and provides aggregated views and analytics.
This package provides the WebDriver IEDriverServer.exe for allowing WebDriver to use 64 bit version of Internet Explorer for testing.
The GoogleRecaptchaMvc is a .NET library used to create the html control of Google Recaptcha for mvc.
AspNet Identity Azure Table Storage Implementation.
The GoogleRecaptchaWebForms is a .NET library used to create the server control of Google Recaptcha for web forms.
Provides boilerplate framework code for an ASP.NET MVC project. ASP.NET MVC Boilerplate is a professional template for building secure, fast, robust and adaptable web applications or sites. It provides the minimum amount of code required on top of the default MVC template provided by Microsoft. You ...
The middleware for OWIN pipeline. This application infrastucture for Single Page Application based on the Web API services
RavenDB job storage for Hangfire
RadarCube control for ASP.NET Web Forms. Operates with relational data sources. (Evaluation version)
Microphone.Nancy Class Library
PayU Integration Library.
A .NET template parsing and transformation library.
Web framework for private projects
Web framework for private projects
Xml extension for Ninject.Web.Common.
Este paquete contiene los ensamblados satélites en español para ASP.NET MVC.
Este paquete contiene los ensamblados satélites en español para ASP.NET Razor.
ASP.NET Optimization introduces a way to bundle and optimize CSS and JavaScript files.