Top 20 NuGet ASP.NET Packages

.Net Core Implementation of restful api.
ASP.NET Core Web API dynamic internal server error filter. ForEvolve.DynamicInternalServerError converts your Exception to normalized errors.
Middleware that enable OWIN based server to rely on Keycloak server for authentication through OpenID Connect protocol
Extensions for Kros.KORM library for ASP.NET Core projects.
Nancy Scaffolding with log, serializer, all structure to work good for me :D
An opinionated application architecture framework for ASP.NET Core applications which enforces maximized code reuse, separation of concerns, dependency inversion and minimized redundancy.
A LINQ to FetchXML web-api query provider which supports many scenarios unsupported by the Dynamics SDK's implementation.
Integrate it into your app to perform domain registration.
Ultimate Mail is a suite consisting of MIME, IMAP, POP3, and SMTP components. It adds the capability of receiving, uploading and managing e-mails, and managing mailboxes in your .NET applications. The package also allows you to create, encrypt, sign, and send e-mail messages as well as validate sign...
A Twitter widget to be used within CloudScribe
Manage and push to Firebase push subscriptions using the PushServer framework for ASP.NET Core 2. This plugin extends the PushServer to store Firebase tokens, and send push notifications to them.
A library extension built around Microsoft Entity Framework to extend its functionality and performance.
An Unobtrusive Multitenancy helper for (new or existing) Asp.Net Core project The goal of this project is to add the multitenancy functionality to an ASP.NET Core application (existing or new) without modification (or very little) of code. It's support multitenant DI ,sandbox services, etc...
Manage and push to Web Push subscriptions using the PushServer framework for ASP.NET Core 2. This plugin extends the PushServer to store information of Web Push subscriptions and send push notifications to them.
Manage and push to Azure Notification Hub push subscriptions using the PushServer framework for ASP.NET Core 2. This plugin extends the PushServer to store information of Azure Notification Hub subscriptions, and send push notifications to them.
Serilog logger for Nancy web applications. Handler request, response and exceptions.
Useful extensions for NLog.Web.AspNetCore