Top 20 NuGet ASP.NET Packages

This plugin is used to help integrate jqGrid into ASP.NET MVC and Entity framework with A fluent html helper which eases the the implementation of jqGrid in ASP.NET MVC applications. Support for Razor and WebForms view engine. JqGrid modelbinder included.
Contains extension methods for the System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper class. Allowing you to use Asp.Net MVC with the Twitter Bootstrap UI Framework.
This is a simple plugin that allows you to inspect your KnockoutJS ViewModels using the Glimpse tool
This package is core library of the Higgs RIA Framework. It provides a lot of useful classes and great methods (like UpdateModel and ForEach) in general development.
Swagger UI is written by the wordnik folks and allows one to interact with a REST API that is documented using the Swagger spec (including swagger's code gen tools). This package makes the latest available for the .NET community. This is packaged with a pre-release version of Swagger.Net which emi...
This package contains the required metadata to use jQuery with the Saltarelle C# to JavaScript compiler. It is a slightly modified version of the jQuery import library from the Script# project by Nikhil Kothari (
Runtime library for projects compiled with Saltarelle.Compiler. This is a slightly modified version of the Script# runtime library by Nikhil Kothari (
AttributeRouting code templates for MVC 4 adds controller templates that use attribute routes on their actions.
Hogan HTML template compilation support for Cassette.
Contains an MSBuild task that will generate Cassette bundles for a web application at compile time.
HastyAPI makes it easy to write code to interact with web APIs. It'll save you writing lots of tedious boilerplate code to make HTTP web requests, and process XML and JSON. By providing high-level, dynamic functions, it lets you concentrate on the web API itself.
Designed to be used with ASP.NET MVC 3 or greater and Entity Framework 4.* NLog.Mvc provides a Target for NLog that uses a DbContext to write and access log entries. It also includes a NLogHandleError attribute that can be applied to log exceptions.
An easy to use, hassle free, Inversion of Control Container for small projects, libraries and beginners alike
Enables SimpleMembership API (from ASP.NET WebPages) to be used with ASP.NET MVC3. This allows you to use the WebSecurity helper found in the WebMatrix.WebData namespace. See SimpleMembership.Mvc3.Sample package for sample Mvc3 project using SimpleMembership.Mvc3. See
RouteMagic.Mvc is a library of useful Routing helpers specific to ASP.NET MVC. See for more information.
RestfulRouting is a routing library for ASP.NET MVC based on the Rails 3 routing DSL.
The ASP.NET Sprite Helper allows you to use sprites and image inlining in ASP.NET MVC 3 and ASP.NET Web Pages projects.
ActionMailer.Net aims to be an easy, and relatively painless way to send email from your application. The concept is pretty simple. We can render HTML by utilizing some pretty snazzy view engines, so why can't we do the same thing for email?
DynamicImage is a high-performance image manipulation library for ASP.NET.
Extension for DynamicImage that can extract PDF pages as images