Top 20 NuGet ASP.NET Packages

This provides Scissorhands.NET application with Web UI.
Allows integration of Peachpie compiled PHP code into ASP.NET Core pipeline.
Web Business Intelligence library of imbVeles Framework. Currently supports Web Site Classification using different Semantic Similarity and TF-IDF computation, kNN, Neural Networks, mSVM and Naive Bayes
An embedded IPFS engine for .Net
Utilitary middleware for ASP.NET Core applications, that will return the API metadata.
Middleware used to add an HTTP Strict Transport Security header to ASP.NET Core responses. See
A dotnet-new template for Carter applications.
Common library for NFinal MVC.
Blunder HTTP context extensions
AspNet Core Localization using SQL database for KEY-VALUE pair and share common storage for both SERVER and Client App. This repository, SQL Localization, inspired by Damien Bod's -, AspNetCore Localization project.
ASP.NET Core MVC extensions to make working with Ooui easy.
Spring Cloud Config Server Configuration Provider Autofac
CloudFoundry Environment Variable Configuration Provider Autofac
Provides classes for generating email using ASP.NET MVC Razor views.
.Net ASP.NET Job Scheduler Long-Running
This library provides a bunch of useful methods for working with AspNetCore applications: automatic registration of services, middlewares and model binders, automatic generation of model binder providers, tools for switching from Ugly Fat Controllers to Nice Skinny Controllers, and much much more!
A library of Blazor UI components for building the Blazor applications.
基于 core 与 angular的项目模板