Top 20 NuGet ASP.NET Packages

Common tools to create sliders for ASP.NET MVC applications
Dieses Paket enthält die deutschen Satellitenassemblys für die MilNet.Web.Mvc.Select-Bibliotheken
A .NET Standard Library to bypass Cloudflare's Anti-DDoS measure (JavaScript challenge) using a DelegatingHandler.
Common tools to create check boxes for ASP.NET Core MVC applications
OAuth utilities for WebSharper
An ASP.NET Core client for
Ce package contient les assemblys satellites en français pour la bibliothèque MilNet.Web.Mvc.CheckBox
ASP.NET Core Library for adding SEO metadata to websites
Shared API code generation for IntelliTect.Coalesce
Knockout.js shared code for both server and code generation projects for IntelliTect.Coalesce
Vue.js code generation for IntelliTect.Coalesce
Application Insights Telemetry Module for SignalR Performance Counter
A tiny framework based on ASP.NET Core MVC for fast development of consistent RESTful APIs.
Easily write stories/features for integration testing
ASP.NET Core unit of work middlewares for CoreDdd library
Middleware to expose Swagger JSON endpoints from API's built on ASP.NET Core
Provides custom attributes that can be applied to controllers, actions and models to enrich the generated Swagger
ASP.NET Core test framework for dotnet new project templates.
WebApi implementation of the health check endpoints for reporting the health of app infrastructure components.