Top 20 NuGet web Packages

This is the shared library for 'Blazor Components' developed by Sumit Mehta. All components starting with the company name 'SumitMehta' will need this package.
WebSockets Server API
VCL.JS is a TypeScript open-source platform for building enterprise web apps in a fraction of the time, whether you’re an expert developer or just getting started.b application.For more information
PubNub allows you to securely connect mobile phones, tablets, laptops, desktops and other clients outside of your cloud. PubNub provides the connectivity from your cloud to push data to end clients (phones, tablets, laptops and servers). This is called Real-time Data Push, or Push Notifications. Pub...
Contains an MSBuild task that will generate Cassette bundles for a web application at compile time.
HastyAPI makes it easy to write code to interact with web APIs. It'll save you writing lots of tedious boilerplate code to make HTTP web requests, and process XML and JSON. By providing high-level, dynamic functions, it lets you concentrate on the web API itself.
AttributeRouting code templates for MVC 4 adds controller templates that use attribute routes on their actions.
This package contains the required metadata to use jQuery with the Saltarelle C# to JavaScript compiler. It is a slightly modified version of the jQuery import library from the Script# project by Nikhil Kothari (
Runtime library for projects compiled with Saltarelle.Compiler. This is a slightly modified version of the Script# runtime library by Nikhil Kothari (
Hogan HTML template compilation support for Cassette.
This package is core library of the Higgs RIA Framework. It provides a lot of useful classes and great methods (like UpdateModel and ForEach) in general development.
This is a simple plugin that allows you to inspect your KnockoutJS ViewModels using the Glimpse tool
Allows Cassette to ignore .ts reference comments.
Provides easy implementation for JWT-based HTTP authentication in an ASP.NET Web API project.
WebSharper bindings to Highcharts
A small framework that makes using the Strava API a little bit easier. You can find a Readme file at Please send any feedback to [email protected]
Reconfigured RSFT for web projects - adds cookie persistence to percentaged availability rules, offers query string overrides, enhances the feature configuration evaluation context so you can build rules based around HttpContext.Current
WebSharper bindings to Highstock
DRUM - Direct Route URI Maker for ASP.NET Web API
Dot NET Core REST API simple client.