Top 20 NuGet web Packages

Single Page Application template for create a solution from scratch
Marvin.JsonPatch.Dynamic adds support for dynamically typed objects to Marvin.JsonPatch. Marvin.JsonPatch was built to work on staticly typed objects, which is great for most cases. Yet sometimes you'll want to create a patch document without having a static type to start from (for example: when in...
This package installs the Eleflex.Web core component. It containing classes for hosting an ELEFLEX web application including startup tasks and registration for object location, mapping, logging, services and security integration with ASP.NET Identity, as well as general web helper classes. ELEFLEX i...
This is a support library which enables the transform library to access Soap based webservices.
Small .NET Core library which provides middleware to run a Suave app (on top of Kestrel) within ASP.NET Core.
PubNub is a Massively Scalable Web Push Service for Web and Mobile Games. This is a cloud-based service for broadcasting messages to thousands of web and mobile clients simultaneously
Node binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Babel Core (babel-core) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
This provides Scissorhands.NET application with Web UI.
Allows integration of Peachpie compiled PHP code into ASP.NET Core pipeline.
This package contains common Glimpse interfaces and components, and is not intended for direct consumption.
An embedded IPFS engine for .Net
Web Business Intelligence library of imbVeles Framework. Currently supports Web Site Classification using different Semantic Similarity and TF-IDF computation, kNN, Neural Networks, mSVM and Naive Bayes
Blunder HTTP context extensions
ErrLog.IO is an exception and error logging tool
OData chain semantics for data queries over HTTP.
An implementation of the IPFS libp2p
BlazorMobile: Launch Blazor as a mobile application on iOS, Android & UWP, with native communication support. Support iOS 12+, Android 4.4 >= and UWP. Install this package on your shared Xamarin.Forms app project.