Top 20 NuGet web Packages

A .NET Standard Library to bypass Cloudflare's Anti-DDoS measure (JavaScript challenge) using a DelegatingHandler.
OAuth utilities for WebSharper
Knockout.js shared code for both server and code generation projects for IntelliTect.Coalesce
Vue.js code generation for IntelliTect.Coalesce
Shared API code generation for IntelliTect.Coalesce
Easily write stories/features for integration testing
WebApi implementation of the health check endpoints for reporting the health of app infrastructure components.
Templates to use when creating a web app that signs in users or a protected web API with the Microsoft identity platform (and call downstream APIs)
Write automated tests for your web applications using the WatiN framework and execute them through Internet Explorer and FireFox.
This package provides the WebDriver IEDriverServer.exe for allowing WebDriver to use Internet Explorer for testing.
A tool for code generating TypeScript endpoints, interfaces, enums, resources and view paths for your ASP.NET Web API controllers/web apps
Improved xNet for .NET Framework 4.5+ / .NET Standard 2.0
A common caching interface with support for graphing dependencies.
Fake implementation of HttpContextBase for terse and expressive tests without the tedious setup of a mocking framework
Glimpse is a web debugging and diagnostics tool used to gain a better understanding of whats happening inside of your ASP.NET web application.
Managed Fusion Web contains a bunch of useful extensions for MVC and uses the a light weight serialization for JSON, XML, CSV to create REST API's.
A .NET template parsing and transformation library.
Xml extension for Ninject.Web.Common.
Provides support for the general availability of an HttpContext in either WebHost or SelfHost scenarios. Use this in place of HttpContext when developing middleware, and add the HttpContextHandler first in line in your Web API message handler stack, to support HttpContext wherever your API is hosted...