Top 20 NuGet web Packages

Lightweight library for fluent Web UI automations with Selenium. Contains a collection of extension methods on top of Selenium types.
API Plateforme MakeSens
3-Heights® PDF Optimizer is a fast and robust API for optimizing PDF documents for your target application (web, archive, print, ...). It allows you to compress your PDF documents while retaining quality, as well as optimizing colors and fonts and other resources. Ideal for automating your busines...
An assembly for Office 365 management and reporting.
Adds ASP.NET Core filters that translate from Result to ActionResult.
A wrapper for HttpClient that simplifies things, and uses normal error codes instead of exceptions for network errors
Templates to create Ext.NET Classic v7 projects.
基于 core 与 angular的项目模板
ASP.NET Core with Riot.js 4
A simple package to implement the FluentValidation in Result package.
Simple ASP.NET Core API Endpoints - Swagger integration for SI.Endpoints.
Simple ASP.NET Core API Endpoints - The alternative to Controllers and Mediator patterns.
Package Description
A ready-to-use template for ASP.NET Core 6 with repositories, services, models mapping, DI and StyleCop warnings fixed.
The HttpDownloader derives from the WebClient class. It serves as a helper to download web pages.
Web client for SafeExchange API
only .net framework 4.5+
Provides different builders for creating data/values mostly used in the web.