Top 20 NuGet logger Packages

A package containing a wrapper to support using Serilog Loggers with EventStore.
Write events to text files
This is an event logger that manages events based on client IDs.
Write events to text console
This is the public library for, a free and simple single-source web application for monitoring all your application layers using Tcp, Websocket, and/or WebAPI / Http.
Rolling file logger provider for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging. Writes to a text file using a configurable template with support for multiple system values (thread, user, machine name, time, etc), rolling to a new file based on the date, time, or other template values. Other Essential.Logging ...
Provides the attributed hooks for invoking metrics collector type generation.
CloudLogger pushes the custom logs from application to the specified Azure Table. Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer can be used to check the logs.
Ms Sql implementation of MethodResultWrapper ILoggerService. Persists logs into a MsSql table.
An useful EntityFrameworkCore interceptor to find long running queries against the database. Apart from using any profiler, it will log an error (or anything depending on the configuration) if the specified threshold exceeded.
I developed a logger package for Nuget. SlackLog is using Slack for logging.
GitHub logger extensions for Visual Studio Test Platform.
简易日志组件(A simple logging component)。 特色功能: (1)免配置使用; (2)便捷配置:指定路径、前缀、单条最大长度、保留天数; (3)按日期分文件、自动记录时间、连续重复内容仅计数。 使用方法: (1)LogHelper.Write("内容"); (2)Console.Write 重定向到日志(在构造器里加上:Console.SetOut(new ConsoleWriter()); )
Dead-simple colorful logger for C#/.NET Core.
Pack of 7 Australia - Logging
Log text to console
First Nuget package
File Logger for Windows Phone apps
Xml logger for msbuild