Top 20 NuGet logger Packages

Logging library for .NET
Core features for Cortoxa Framework.Contains interfaces for common "Design Patterns". Cortoxa Framework is a Powerful Framework for faster and easier building .Net applications based on Dependency Injection patterns. Contains implementation of common "Design Patterns".
Modul pro logovani udalosti
.NET Windows Application Framework (NETWAF) is a library that enables .NET developers to build Desktop applications and Windows NT Service applications sharing a foundation that supports frequently used functionalities.
Библиотека вспомогательных классов
РИКРОП Framework.
A simple text logger implementation with multi level logging configuration.
Simple logger that puts to console, file and debug console. Keeps track of class the logger was called from.
Powerful logger for .NET applications
XSD schema and sample App.config for Qoollo.Logger.
Simple and light-weight logging framework for Windows Universal Application. It's compatible for Win app and WP8.1 app
Rock logger.
An open source custom flexible logger for .NET apps, supporting text files, windows forms controls and more... Project URL:
The Innviero LogTracker library is a tool to help programmers create and track theirs logs in variety of ways.
.net logger
.net file logger
.net email logger
Kevoree Logger Api