Top 20 NuGet logger Packages

Common logging library for Nlog and Application Insight
This project was created to provide an easy to use and configurable logging library. If the default configuration is sufficient for your needs the library can be used out of the box without further setup. However, if you have specific logging needs you can alter the library configuration settings...
A library for generating logger classes from interfaces at run-time
A library for generating logger classes from interfaces at run-time
QuickLogger Wrapper for .NET and DotNetCore
QuickLogger Dependency Injection Extensions and Standard Logging adapters for ASPNetCore.
.Net Core Basic Application Logger.
Log Service for Azure Cosmos DB with Azure Functions.
Statsd perf logger for .NET. Includes a sql appender and an appender for using your logging framework (i.e. log4net). Helps debugging when you don't have a statsd server available.
NHibernate logger adapter for NLog
Logs the execution time for blocks of code
Logs the execution time for ASP.NET MVC Action methods
Log4Net integration for Cortoxa Framework. Cortoxa Framework is a Powerful Framework for faster and easier building .Net applications based on Dependency Injection patterns. Contains implementation of common "Design Patterns".
Nlog integration for Cortoxa Framework. Cortoxa Framework is a Powerful Framework for faster and easier building. Net applications based on Dependency Injection patterns. Contains implementation of common "Design Patterns".
A singleton of the NLog logger for lazy developers.
Logger facade
Ridiculously simple, highly opinionated Logging library for .NET.
Data Patterns for Cortoxa Framework. Cortoxa Framework is a Powerful Framework for faster and easier building .Net applications based on Dependency Injection patterns. Contains implementation of common "Design Patterns".
Базовая реализация логирования для Rikrop.Core.
Global exceptions logger for Entity Framework 6.x using ELMAH.