Top 20 NuGet logger Packages

The classes required to create a logger
A library providing a generic one-way event routing mechanism for any kind of events.
Xlogger integration for ASP.NET Core
XLogger adapter to write logs in the MongoDB database
The Capgemini.Logger.ApplicationInsights NuGet has been created to facilitate testing of log statements whilst providing additional functionality specific to ApplicationInsights - e.g. the ability to log an Application Insights 'event' / pass almost any object to the Application Insights 'properties...
Let you use your browser as a log target from any Asp.Net Core application.
A singleton logging component. Simple to use, lots of flexibility. Writes to a user-specified log and path, and optionally sends email. Can also write logs to a SQL Server database, with optional audit log. T-SQL files included. For .NET Core 2.0+, .NET Standard 2.0+, .NET Framework 4.6.1+
🎚🎛 Event-Catcher with variety of advanced Actions to service projects, libraries, build processes, runtime environment of the Visual Studio, MSBuild Tools, and … Control everything: Visual Studio, MSBuild Tools, CI, and more … Open Source Project:
A utility library in .Net Standard 2.1 to add Serilog logging to Xpandables.Standards.
Pacote para utilização em Web APIs AspNetCore, esta biblioteca está pré-configurada como um Middleware para armazenmento de logs de de request e reponse no Elastic Search ou qualquer outra aplicação que armazena objsetos Json via chamada Post.
High level event-driven logging framework for scoped processes
Create Log for every step in your application.
Package Description
A Netcore provider for the minimalistic Peamel.BasicLogger
Provides a generic wrapper that returns whether or not a method succeeded or failed carrying the method result on success or a list of notifications/errors in case of failure
Simple and Lightweight Library for logging messages to different outputs like Files, Consoles, and Debuggers. Features - Automatically creates a new Console window for GUI applications. - Reuses the existing Console window for CLI Applications. - Multiple File Outputs at the same time. - Per-...
Provides the attributed hooks for invoking logger type generation.
Implementation of PLogger As a Logging Provider for .NET Core