Top 20 NuGet Packages

Adds HAL support to ASP.NET WebAPI
To use NHibernate with vNext (at the moment beta-8)
Design Pattern for auto mapping in ASP.NET MVC.
JwtDnx is JWT / JWS Implementation for .NET DNX (like ASP.NET 5 MVC 6) If you want to get a version of the .NET Core, is here
[NEW: works with TypeScript] A project to auto-generate JavaScript and TypeScript proxies for ASP.NET MVC and WebApi controllers. With Intellisense, the library provides information for easy writing to ajax requests in JavaScript and in TypeScript for ASP.NET MVC and WEB API applications. The advan...
Integration with ASP.NET MVC.
Collection of TagHelpers for Twitter Bootstrap
Easy, Service Oriented, Asynchronous Messaging and Queueing for .NET
Provides properties for getting the assembly information for the web application, such as the version number, description, company, copyright, etc. from an AssemblyInfo file in the \App_Code folder.
DynamoDB Storage Provider for ASP.NET Identity 2.0 framework
Package will help you to build AngularJS code according to Angular Best Design Guidelines for ASP.NET MVC or WebAPI applications. Package includes Angular UI Material JS libraries and respective CSS.
A System.Web.Security.RoleProvider that maps to existing Active Directory groups. See: for RoleProvider configuration details.
Appleseed is a FREE Open Source Portal and Content Management System focused on providing a high-performance, easy to use and secure framework. The software gives designers, developers, and modern entrepreneurs a singular system to build powerful applications and intranets that run the on the Micros...
AspNet Mvc jquery Datatable implementation for UniverCloud Products.
Asp.Net WebApi specific configuration of Container4AspNet.
Asp.Net MVC specific configuration of Container4AspNet.
A simple Test Client built on top of ASP.NET Web API Help Page. Optimized the JSON display ui of http response.