Top 20 NuGet wpf Packages

Collection of WPF themes for DataGrid control plus some additional attached behavior. Together they make DataGrid look and behave like in Silverlight. Available themes: ExpressionLight, ExpressionDark, WhistlerBlue, etc.
Elysium is library that implements Metro style for Windows Presentation Foundation applications.
Collection of basic themes for WPF. Supported controls: Calendar, Button, CheckBox, RadioButton, ScrollBar, ListBox, Expander, ComboBox, ProgressBar, TextBox, PasswordBox, RichTextBox, Label, Menu, MenuItem, Separator, TabControl, Slider, TreeView, ToggleButton, GroupBox, ListView, ListViewItem, Too...
Components for color editing such as color wheel, brightness-saturation editor, color compoenent editor (R-G-B-A-Hue-Sat-Bri).
A TaskDialog wrapper class with fallback emulator (for XP and earlier).
XText allows you to easily create a text based layout simply in code, including Paragraphs, inlines, formatting etc. Also gives the ability to conditionally writing out elements
Includes only the parts of the original Accordion control in the Microsoft WPF toolkit for use with .NET 4.0 and later.
OLinq is a project to provide a Linq Queryable provider implementation for operating on ObservableCollections or other INotifyCollectionChanged supporting lists. The output of OLinq is an ObservableView which notifies when the results of the query have changed.
A flexible, easy to configure drop-in replacement for the standard WPF Grid control
HtmlTextBlock is a light-weighted WPF control that allow you to display rich text, by translating html like tags into TextBlock.Inlines.
Fast, extensible, intuitive and easy-to-use C# portable library providing fluent APIs for argument validation. Gives everything you need to implement defensive programming in your .NET application
MultiSelectTreeView is a .NET/WPF control that displays a hierarchical tree of items that can be browsed, selected, collapsed and edited like in a normal tree control. This control overcomes some of the limitations that the TreeView control included in WPF has. Most prominently, it adds multiple sel...
The Infragistics WPF IG Theme supports the following controls: Accordion AutoCompleteBox Button CheckBox ComboBox Expander GridSplitter GroupBox Label ListBox PasswordBox ProgressBar RadioButton Rating RepeatButton Slider TextBox ToggleButton Tooltip
The Infragistics WPF MetroDark Theme supports the following controls: Accordion AutoCompleteBox Button CheckBox ComboBox Expander GridSplitter GroupBox Label ListBox PasswordBox ProgressBar RadioButton Rating RepeatButton Slider TextBox ToggleButton Tooltip
The Infragistics WPF MetroLight Theme supports the following controls: Accordion AutoCompleteBox Button CheckBox ComboBox Expander GridSplitter GroupBox Label ListBox PasswordBox ProgressBar RadioButton Rating RepeatButton Slider TextBox ToggleButton Tooltip
Use the Windows Vista / Windows 7 Folder Browser Dialog from your WPF projects, without any additional dependencies.
This package contains an easy to use but powerful WPF Property Grid, and useful WPF converters and objects.
A Designer Framework for WPF UIs
The library allows to create IValueConverter, IMultiValueConverter, DataTemplateSelector, and ValidationRule objects with the most convenient syntax available, ideally, using the lambda expressions.
Responsive grid is a custom panel control for WPF/UWP. This library provides the grid layout system that is similar to Bootstrap framework.