Top 20 NuGet wpf Packages

A collection of MVVM helpers for WPF, Xamarin.Forms and .NET MAUI
Contains tests helpers: Classes: - TestWpfApp
LiveXAML allows for live UI reload in Xamarin Forms applications. This package is a runtime dependency, you also need to install Visual Studio extension.
THIS PACKAGE IS OBSOLETE. Please switch to the officially maintained NuGet package: Hardcodet.NotifyIcon.WPF This is an implementation of a NotifyIcon (aka system tray icon or taskbar icon) for the WPF platform. It does not just rely on the Windows Forms NotifyIcon component, but is a purely inde...
Graph# is a graph layout framework. It contains some layout algorithms and a GraphLayout control for WPF applications. This is a unofficial release of the library.
This package is only a redirect to the System.Waf.Wpf package. System.Waf.Wpf is the successor of this package.
Collection of useful C#, WPF, and WinForms functions.
TypedRest.WPF helps you build simple WPF clients using REST clients designed with TypedRest.
VS2013 Theme for Xceed AvalonDock
.NET Standard 1.0 library containing types such as: Rect, Point, Size, Thickness, Color, RoutedCommand, IValueConverter, RoutedEventArgs... part of effort to have cross platform UI stack based on XAML.
Interactive Data Display for WPF is a set of controls for adding interactive visualization of dynamic data to your application.
Automatically save application state in WPF, simple 'About' box with app infos, make app settings portable.
Elm architecture for WPF apps. 100% less XAML.
A Prism Autofac implementation for Prism 7.
QtPropertyObserver is library for .NET WPF. This Library can help the properties setter auto complete NofityPropertyChanged. Get more help on sample code. Supported Platform: .Net Framework 4+ 让Property的setter自动调用PropertyChanged方法,避免写一个私有变量,再写一个属性,主要用于WPF程序。使用说明请参阅sample。 支持的平台: .Net Framework 4+
Son controles y utilidades para WPF
Easy capture video from your webcam in .NET
A lightweight framework that saves you from all the boilerplate of maintaining error list for each of the validation targets (properties). It allows you to keep all your validation rules conveniently in one place. You just define a set of validation rules that need to be checked for each of the targ...
Porting of Windows Forms Screen helper for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). It avoids dependencies on Windows Forms libraries when developing in WPF.
A library for embbeding Font Awesome icons in WPF & Windows Forms applications