Top 20 NuGet configuration Packages

Implementation of PK.Settings for accessing settings from the application configuration file (Web.config or App.confing)
Implementation of PK.Settings for accessing settings from the local settings or roaming setting (for Windows Store Apps)
Makes mapping key/value stores (appSettings, environment variables, NameValueCollections...) to POCs dead simple and highly extensible.
DLL that generates azure csdef/cscfg for all environments/roles from templates and json meta-config file. Contains a build task for easy automation. Easily embedded as an exe. Also contains ability to extract json meta-config from existing cscfgs.
dotNet HOCON based configuration library
An example of how to get started with PowerUp build and deployment framework
Simple and easy user-persistent configuration library for .NET Capable of saving and loading nearly any object onto the disk. Designed to be as easy to use as possible via the use of the dynamic keyword, JSON and a constant striving for slimness. See here for more details:
This configuration library is intended to give .NET Developers a simple, extendable, scaleable, fast, type safe possibility to configure all kind of .NET applications. This Package is intendend to support only the C# configuration language.
This configuration library is intended to give .NET Developers a simple, extendable, scaleable, fast, type safe possibility to configure all kind of .NET applications. The Abstraction Package contains only the interfaces (API) to use DslConfig.
A new build framework for C# projects.
C# API client for Consul
Json Configured Reverse Proxy
Configure your .NET application with C# config files. Config files are C# source files: intellisensed, refactorable, resharpered, syntax checked, compiled, type safe. Write real code with control structures and classes in config files. Include other config files and remote (HTTP) config snippets.
AppSettings source for smartconf. Visit for more information.
A library simplifying saving configuration data for C# / .NET programs to .xml files by providing base classes for saving/loading .xml files.
A WPF library to provide a dynamic and easy to use configuration GUI
Utilities and helper classes aimed at streamlining common Castle Windsor configuration needs.
Utilities and helper classes for simplifying configuration of Asp.Net MVC using Castle Windsor.
.net configuration handler
JsonConfig.lqs is ported from JsonConfig by Timo Dörr. The original JsonConfig is great, but when I find that with it I can create only one Default config, only one User config and only one Global config in an AppDomain, I decides to create this new port. The main difference to original JsonConfig i...