Top 20 NuGet configuration Packages

Configuration provider implementation to use with Hashicorp Vault.
This package exists to solve problems with loading the `system.diagnostics` config section under **.NET Core**.
Configuration Classes for StandardDot
HOCON (Human-Optimized Config Object Notation) support for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.
This package is a direct port of Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json 2.1.1 for Newtonsoft.Json 9.0.1 support.
Configuration.DockerSecrets is a non-official library, build to work as a stop-gap until dotnetcore 2.0.0 is released.
Allows to configure log level of an Serilog.ILogger at runtime.
This configuration library is intended to give .NET Developers a simple, extendable, scaleable, fast, type safe possibility to configure all kind of .NET applications. This package supports the boo (DslConfig.Boo) and C# (DslConfig.CSharp) configuration language.
Inject configuration information into your objects using Ninject.
Light toolkit to organize and execute your app's startup tasks in a maintainable manner
Command line parser source for smartconf. Visit for more information.
The implementation of Hobsons infrastructure services. Currently includes encryption and configuration reader services.
Environment variable source for smartconf. Visit for more information.
Common facades for Logging, Configuration, Caching, etc.
template your web.configs with mustache
Binaries for the ConfigManager library. Visit for an overview and usage examples.
clipr Command Line ParseR source for smartconf. Visit for more information.
Configure your .Net application via environment variables in a sane manner.
WcfExtensions is a basic library which serves for configuring custom behaviors for wcf services, and finally this is possible by using a default class which derives from BehaviorExtensionElement, allowing to avoid a local implementation of BehaviorExtensionElement on wcf service project.
Library of miscellaneous convenience methods, zero-config fluent logging, and more...