Top 20 NuGet configuration Packages

Generates custom instrumentation configuration files for New Relic - see the project page for more information. Mark up your assemblies, classes and methods to get fine-grained control using the [Instrument] attribute.
DynamicConfig is a very simple to use configuration library based on the C# 4.0 dynamic feature.
Easy multi-service WCF configurator from code or files
Allow strong type configurations from interfaces and support for multiple sources (environment, appsettings)
Simple ASP.NET Core authentication and identity provider. Valid users are specified in a simple configuration file. Please refer to the project site at for full installation instructions, usage examples, and sample code.
FeatureSwitch cloud support library
The dynamic configuration manager for .NET
The dynamic configuration manager for .NET
The dynamic configuration manager for .NET
The dynamic configuration manager for .NET
Simple Ninject binding extension for Nerdle.AutoConfig configuration library.
Toolkit for configuring Entity Framework to work with PostgreSQL database using Npgsql.
Extends Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration with helpers like GenerateSummary().
Jali is a cross platform execution context of explicitly provided crosscutting concers. NJali.Jali is the .NET implementation.
This utility will use reflection to fill a classes properties from a web or app config file, json files passed into the loader class, but most importantly environment variables. Useful for decoupling from config files and test projects.
Common components for building a web based platform.
Alpheus is a parser and query tool for system and server configuration files. Alpheus parses and transforms configuration files into an XML representation which can then be queried using XPATH.
.Net Configuration System based on TOML configuration format
.Net Configuration System based on TOML configuration format
Configuration API for ASP.NET