Top 20 NuGet configuration Packages

Easy to use tool to config transformations for JSON, XML and YAML.
Infrastructure and configuration for building identity provider plugins for Affecto Authentication Server.
Email and Sms notification abstraction.
Library to make using the Options configuration pattern easier. Just add the ConfigurationObject attribute and ConfigureAll!
Componente de infraestructura para envio de correos electronicos. Puede ser usado en cualquiera de las capas, la configuracion esta realizada por medio del archivo de configuracion.
Windows command line tools for application configuration and resource creation.
A simple library that uses the VSTS REST API to retrieve configuration values for Test Management Test Configurations in VSTS for use in tests at runtime.
A tool which bootstraps your azure search service entities.
Console application to execute Merlin configuration management through text commands.
Contains an implementation of a Reader/Write sink for AzureDocumentDb for the Invisionware Settings Library
Contains an implementation of a Reader/Write sink for Azure Blob and File Storage for the Invisionware Settings Library
Contains an implementation of a Reader/Write sink for Json.NET for the Invisionware Settings Library
Library which allows the capability to redirect your configuration sections to another source.
Common utility for config files (xml,ini,json currently supported) with unified interface. It uses xpath as the prefered lookup method.
Jeeves.Core is a self contained web service which serves your own implementation of a configuration store through a REST API.
Redistributable components for package 'poco.util'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
A set of Configuration Builders for the .Net Framework that draw from Azure resources.
A library for consuming consul values in a continuous stream using the Reactive Extensions