Top 20 NuGet Packages

ReflectInsight .NET Core
Package Description
ReflectionIT.Analyzer, supports Visual Studio 2019 and 2022
Reflection helpers for C#
A simpler and faster way to use Reflection for instantiating classes and setting fields/properties in mapping operations.
Quickly creates model classes for a settings UI. With attributes to modify behavior.
A simple library that compares objects (useful for unit testing) using reflection.
Regex Builder starting from a training set
This project is intended to help developers to generate complex regex pattern syntax by combining basic pattern blocks.
Additions and extensions for .NET dependency-injection.
Additions and extensions for .NET directory-services protocols.
EPiServer additions and extensions.
EPiServer-data additions and extensions.
EPiServer-framework additions and extensions.
EPiServer-framework (AspNet) additions and extensions.
Custom EPiServer-initialization.
IO additions and extensions for .NET.
Additions and extensions for .NET logging.