Top 20 NuGet Packages

Infrastructure functions helpful in testing the code using Project Composite functions.
A library to make creating Telegram Bots even easier!
Package Description
Project 2 Description
Tool for converting a MSBuild project file to VS2017 format and beyond.
A toolkit for cross-platform P/Invoke in C#
A library to mirror structured data on multiple devices
MongoDB storage support as key store.
A library to easily display icons in an Avalonia App.
A library to easily display FontAwesome icons in an Avalonia App.
Projektr middleware for Web API. Provides an easy way to allow API consumers to filter which parts of the response to receive.
A library that allows use of IQueryable in WCF web service.
Email service implementation for sending emails via SendGrid
Email service implementation for sending emails via SES
Simple library in .net standard 2.0 to translate text using the Azure cognitive services translator (free up to 2M characters per month)
Exposes .NET core diagnostic listeners and counters
Repository class for MongoDB